
无用的检查 in Florida | 艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所

Dealing with 无用的检查 in Florida: Legal Guidance from the 艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所

开出毫无价值的支票, 也被称为空头支票, is a serious issue that can have significant legal repercussions. In Florida, issuing a worthless check can result in both civil and criminal penalties. At the 艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所, we understand the complexities involved in these cases and are committed to providing comprehensive legal support to individuals and businesses affected by worthless checks.


A worthless check is a check that cannot be honored by the bank due to insufficient funds, 结帐, 或者是止付令. These checks are not only a breach of trust but can also lead to financial losses and legal challenges for the recipients.

Legal Implications of 无用的检查 in Florida

In Florida, the law treats the issuance of worthless checks as both a civil and criminal matter. 根据 佛罗里达州法规第832条.05, it is illegal to issue a check knowing that there are insufficient funds in the account. The penalties vary depending on the amount of the check and the circumstances surrounding the issuance.


  • 轻罪: If the worthless check is less than $150, it is considered a first-degree misdemeanor. Penalties may include up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $1,000.

  • Felony: If the check is $150 or more, it is a third-degree felony. Penalties can include up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000.


In addition to criminal penalties, the issuer of a worthless check may be liable for civil damages. The recipient of the bad check can file a 民法suit to recover the amount of the check, 以及额外的损害赔偿, 诉讼费用, 还有律师费.

Steps to Take When You Receive a Worthless Check

Receiving a worthless check can be frustrating and financially damaging. 以下是你应该采取的步骤:

  • 联系发行者:通知开票人支票被拒付. This can sometimes resolve the issue without further action.

  • 发出催收信: Florida law requires that you send a written demand for payment before taking legal action. 这封信应该包括所欠的金额, 任何服务费, and a deadline for payment (usually 30 days).

  • 向警方报案: If the issuer does not respond to your demand letter, you can file a police report. Law enforcement can investigate the matter and potentially file criminal charges.

  • 提起民事诉讼: If the criminal route does not yield results, you can file a 民法suit to recover the amount of the check and additional damages.

How the 艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所 Can Help

Dealing with worthless checks requires a thorough understanding of both criminal and 民法. The 艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所 offer expert legal services to help you navigate these complex issues. 竞技宝体育竞猜的团队可以协助:

  • 需求信: We can draft and send effective demand letters to the issuer of the worthless check, 概述解决问题的必要步骤.

  • 谈判: Our attorneys can negotiate with the issuer to seek a settlement and avoid court proceedings.

  • 诉讼如有必要, we are prepared to represent you in court to recover the funds owed and any additional damages.

  • 刑事辩护: If you are accused of issuing a worthless check, we can provide a robust defense to protect your rights and minimize penalties.


Preventing worthless checks is crucial for maintaining financial stability. 以下是一些建议:

  • 验证基金: Before accepting a check, verify that the issuer has sufficient funds in their account.

  • 使用电子支付: Encourage customers to use electronic payment methods, which can reduce the risk of bounced checks.

  • 实施验收检查策略: Establish clear policies for accepting checks, including identification requirements and check verification procedures.

Handling worthless checks can be a challenging and time-consuming process. At the 体育竞猜, we are dedicated to providing the legal support and guidance you need to address these issues effectively. Whether you are a business owner dealing with a bounced check or an individual facing accusations of issuing a worthless check, 竞技宝体育竞猜经验丰富的律师 都是来帮忙的. 今日透过电邮联络竞技宝体育竞猜: (305) 672-7495 to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can assist you.


We serve clients throughout Florida including those in the following localities: Miami-Dade County including Aventura, Miami, 科勒尔盖布尔斯, Doral, Hialeah, Homestead, Kendall, 比斯坎湾, 迈阿密海滩, 迈阿密湖, 北迈阿密, Tamiami, 威彻斯特, and North 迈阿密海滩; Broward County including Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, 库珀的城市, 珊瑚泉, Hallandale海滩, 奥克兰公园, 彭布罗克松树, 种植园, and Weston; and Palm Beach County including West Palm Beach


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